About Us

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What is Baby Sleeps Safe?

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We believe that children should be given all the safeguards possible beginning with the first days of life. As a society, we owe this to future generations. Our goal is to help parents protect their children with a product designed for daily, continual use, so that putting baby to sleep using Baby Sleeps Safe becomes second nature.

We want grandparents and gift-givers to know about our product, too, to help raise awareness of the important job it does. At Baby Sleeps Safe, your baby’s well-being is our business.

What is Baby Sleeps Safe as a company doing to help prevent SIDS?Collectively, the founders of our company have more than 75 years of experience in the field of child development. This makes us well-versed in recognizing programs and products that have the potential to help children thrive.

We also have first-hand knowledge of concerns that parents express about their children at different stages of their early development. For infants, the prevention of SIDS is understandably a major concern for parents. That’s why we put our resources and expertise into developing Baby Sleeps Safe.

Truly Visionary

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Created by a Mom. Developed by experts in the field of childcare.